響應西大煙的下水活動第三彈! 老實說這是某次在一間德奧餐廳吃到很類似的東西後自己回家實驗改變的,網路上從來就找不到一樣(或類似)的做法/食物(完全不懂為什麼..)
1. 3 slice of veal liver 3片小牛肝 (這邊買到的都已經切好了.約1~1.5公分厚 p.s 一人一餐大概吃1片~1.5片小牛肝就很夠了)
2. 2 table spoon flour, mixed with half teaspoon salt, half teaspoon pepper and 1/4 teaspoon of paprika 2大匙麵粉+半茶匙鹽+半茶匙胡椒+1/4茶匙紅椒粉
3. 2~3 soup spoon oil 2-3大匙油
4. half cup of red wine 半杯紅酒
5. handful of frozen cranberry (or half can of cranberry jelly/jam) 一把的cranberry
6. splash of orange juice (如果能刮一點點orange zest更好)
7. 2/3 cup of milk 2/3杯牛奶
1. Trim the liver, peel away the membrane as much as possible. Cut the liver in half and soak into milk for half hour. 清理小牛肝
(用一把利剪刀把白色的組織物能清除多少就清除多少 -- 如果沒清乾淨最後煮出來也是會很chewy所以還是會吐掉的),剪半後放入牛奶浸泡半小時(我習慣剪對半成大約一條在半個手掌長的大小,不剪也沒關係)
2. Lightly coat the liver slices in the seasoned flour. 把小牛肝從牛奶中撈出瀝乾後,兩面沾上述(2)的粉
3. Heat a large non-stick frying pan over high heat. Add the olive oil, then fry the liver in batches; about 1-2 minutes on each side
until nicely browned. (Alternatively cook the liver over medium heat for 4-5 minutes on each side) Note: Liver fried over high heat would yield rather crispy skin. Cook for (slightly) longer time if you don't like the liver still pink and bloody inside.
熱鍋後把小牛肝分次,兩面以高溫各煎約1~2分鐘(或中溫兩面各煎4~5分鐘) -- 可能得自己試驗,高低溫煎出的口感略有不同,時間差異視個人敢不敢/喜不喜歡吃內部粉嫩帶血的小牛肝(高溫表皮會比較脆一點)
4. Put the liver aside and deglaze your frying pan with red wine. Cook the cranberry in red wine for about 10-15 minutes until becoming
jam. Mix with splash of orange juice. (Alternatively use "ready-to-eat" cranberry jelly/jam from a can)
5. Put the liver back to the pan for 30 second before serving the liver.
過去寫過這麼多食譜介紹,好像從沒做過step by step的照片說明: